Day 2 of Cowes Classics Week saw South South Westerly winds of up to 20 knots and some sun, giving the competitors a great but hard days racing. The excellent conditions enabled two good races for the classic dayboats on the bank, and one longer race for the classic yachts racing from the shoreline in the deeper water of the Solent.
The classic yachts were sent off to the west as far as Salt Mead and Elephant Boatyard and then down to the east as far as Ancasta racing mark, just west of East Bramble, and finishing on the Royal London line at Cowes. Division 1 was won again by Bojar helmed by Mark Dowie followed by Crusade and Sunmaid V.
The Spirit of Tradition class was won by Chameleon of Cowes with Aldebaran second and Bel Canto third. Division 2 was won by Binkie II followed by Orthops and Janessa, and Division 3 by Zest the Tumlare, a new entry this year, with Warrior second and Paloma third with the Old Gaffers being led home by Alberta and first on handicap with Spinaway X second.
The committee vessels for Circuits 2 and 4 were stationed over by the Lee on Solent shore, giving the National Swallows one windward leeward race and one round the cans race, to finish at a boat stationed west of the Royal London racing mark. The winner of the day was Harry Roome, sailing Skua, followed by Buccaneer, Mike Bond, and Marengo, Philip Pascall. On the same circuit the Flying Fifteens had two races with Rob Goddard in Over the Moon wining the day and Martin Harrison again winning the Squibs in Hussar.
On Circuit 4 the Darings (glass 5.5 metre rule boats) had a windward leeward followed by a very challenging round the cans race with Doublet, Graham Wilkinson wining the day, Streak second and Dauntless third. The Mermaids finished off their day with a race home to Seaview which was won by Ian Prideaux sailing Miranda.
The XODs raced over in Stansmore Bay on the New Forest shore with a race home to finish off Cowes Green. John Tremlett helming Astralita again won the day followed by Swallow and Lone Star.