18ft Skiffs NSW Championship – Race 3

Today’s Trophy: Syd Barnett Jr. Memorial Trophy
Race Sponsor: Shaw and Partners Financial Services
Sunday, 11 December 2022
Sydney Harbour

The Yandoo team of John Winning Sr., Fang Warren and Josh Porebski closed the gap to Andoo (John Winning Jr., Matt Stenta and Sam Newton) in the NSW 18ft Skiff Championship with a amazing exhibition in the North East wind conditions which prevailed for Race 3 of the series on Sydney Harbour today.


After overtaking Shaw and Partners Financial Services (Jim Colley, Shaun Connor and Tom Quigley) on the final time around the top mark, Andoo made their way into second place but could not catch Yandoo, finishing just 45 seconds behind the leaders.

Shaw and Partners
Shaw and Partners

Third place went to Shaw and Partners Financial Services, who finished a further 1m1s behind Andoo.

Balmain Slake (Henry Larkins) had their best race of the season finishing in fourth place, ahead of Lazarus Captial Partners (Marcus-Ashley Jones), Rag & Famish (Harry Price), Smeg (Michael Coxon) and Burrawang-Young Henrys (Simon Nearn).


Andoo still heads the series points table on 4 points, followed by Yandoo on 9 points, Smeg on 15 points, Rag & Famish on 19 points and Shaw and Partner Financial Services on 21 points.

Smeg catching up
Smeg catching up

The first start sequence was a general recall with the ripping tide pulling the fleet towards the line. The second start was an individual recall with Smeg over at the start and having to return behind the line.

Yandoo and Andoo lead the fleet from the start to Bradley’s Head. Yandoo with great speed and height upwind extended their lead on Andoo while Shaw and Partners Financial Services picked the wind shift at the top to slide into second place at the top mark. Yandoo and Shaw and Partners Financial Services fought closely for first around Shark Island, with Yandoo winning out at the bottom mark and maintaining that lead for the rest of the race.

The second upwind saw the top three jostle for positions whilst Balmain Slake made their way into fourth and stayed there for the remainder of the race.

The second downwind saw the majority of the fleet sail close into George’s head and Taylors bay except for Lazarus Capital Partners, who managed to gain a place through their tactical decision making. Rounding the bottom mark Shaw and Partners Financial Services rounded simultaneously with Yandoo but came out just behind.

On that same downwind, Marine Outlet (Cam Gundy), unfortunately snapped their mast forcing them to retire from the race.

The Kitchen Maker-Caesarstone (Lachlan Steel) and Fisher & Paykel (Jordan Girdis) were involved in a port and starboard incident on the final upwind which unfortunately put the two boats further back in the fleet finishing twelfth and thirteenth respectively.

The final top mark rounding saw Yandoo extend their lead, whilst Andoo and Shaw and Partners Financial Services rounded together, with Andoo ultimately sailing over the top into second place.

After being over at the start and beginning the race at the back of the fleet, Smeg sailed from seventeenth to finish in seventh, making up an incredible ten places throughout the race.

The Royal Oak Double Bay 4 Pines (Alex Marinelli, Matt Doyle and Darcy McCracken) sailed a very consistent race to win the Syd Barnett Jr. Memorial Trophy, which was held in conjunction with the NSW Championships.


Yandoo leads the season point score with a total of 54 points, followed by The Royal Oak Double Bay 4 Pines on 57 points and Smeg on third with 62 points.

Birkenhead Point
Birkenhead Point

We will be back on the 15th of January 2023, with race 4 of the NSW Championships.

Spectators can follow the action on board the club’s spectator ferry, as they have done for the past 87 years, which leaves Double Bay Wharf alongside the clubhouse at 2pm.

Booking online through the club’s website www.18footers.com is essential, http://18footers.com/18-footer-racing/spectator-ferry/

For anyone who can’t make it out onto the water, the League’s live broadcast team will be out on Sydney Harbour to capture all the action. Live streaming is available at www.18footers.com by clicking on the ’18 Footers TV’ link.

For all the club’s racing and up-to-date news:
Club Website www.18footers.com

For anyone who wants to take a look at Sail Media’s action videos from the 2021-22 season, including the 2022 JJ Giltinan Championship, go to www.18footers.com and click on the ’18 Footers TV’ link

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