Entry has officially opened for the 2025 OK Dinghy World Championship, to be held on Lake Garda from 12-19 September, hosted by Circolo Vela Arco. An expression of interest survey was opened in 2024 and has attracted a huge response, with 259 sailors from 18 countries signing up.
High numbers were always expected for this championship, which has been delayed since 2021 because of the pandemic, but this has outstripped all expectations. The number of registrations has surprised everyone, with a lot of new names on the list and many other stars parachuting in for what will be an epic event.
This will easily make it the largest OK Dinghy event ever held, smashing the previous record of 145 boats set at the 2012 World Championship. Planning is already underway about how to manage so many boats on the shore and on the water. But it is a nice problem to have.
At least 4-5 containers are being planned from Australia and New Zealand to boost the huge European entry, which in total represents more than a quarter of the global fleet.
This World Championship follows on from the very successful European Championship held in Arco in 2023, which attracted 112 entries.
The ONB including Notice of Race and entry form is here: https://www.circolovelaarco.com/cva/regate/2025/ok-dinghy-world-championship
As is traditional, the World Championship on Garda will be followed by the Autumn Trophy in Bandol, on the Côte d’Azur, France from 23-26 September.
The ONB including Notice of Race and entry form for that is here: https://events.okdinghy.org/2025-autumn-trophy
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