Anchorage calculations

Would you decide to move to a new anchorage if it meant sailing through shoal water in approaching bad weather?

James Stevens looks at the problem and provides the solution.

Rachel is on board her yacht Pampero, an 11m Sadler 34, secured to a visitors’ mooring in Hugh Town, a port on St Mary’s, one of the Isles of Scilly.

Pampero has a draught of 1.7m and is well equipped for offshore cruising.

Rachel has always wanted to visit the Islands and a two-week break in May has given her the chance to sail there with her family.

The alternatives are: a tricky passage of about six miles around Bryher, a shoal passage to the east of Tresco, or stay on the mooring.

Porthcressa, a bay to the south of Hugh Town, looks equally exposed.

Should she risk moving to a new anchorage?

For more, see:

– Katy Stickland

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