BIA helps boaties fight off the winter blues

For all those boaties disappointed by the onset of the cooler winter months, the Boating Industry Association of NSW has launched a scheme that will not only keep avid boaties busy through winter, but also help get their boats ready for the peak summer season.

The 50 Point Safety Check has been developed by the BIA and the Marine Industry Mechanical Repairers Association as a comprehensive check that will highlight issues that may need maintenance attention.

Although no remedial work is carried out during the check, at only $99 (RRP) it is a worthwhile investment given that checks are crucial in detecting issues that may compromise the safety of passengers or skippers whilst on the waterways.

“A 50-point check this winter is a prime way to give the recreational skipper peace of mind – and doing it in winter means you skip the queues and don't miss out on valuable time on the water,” says Roy Privett, General Manager, BIA.

The checks are carried out by authorized MIMRA members and boat owners are provided with a full report on the general condition of the outfit.

“Boating should be fun and relaxing and skippers are responsible for ensuring that they do everything to protect the safety of their passengers and themselves whilst on the water,” Roy Privett adds.

To view the full list of items that are checked or find an authorised provider to perform a check, boat owners should visit

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