Cadet Worlds – coach's blog # 4

Coaches Blog #4

Well things moving along quite quickly. So a lot to bring you up to date on.

With our training we were unable to go for a sail post measurement due to the windy weather, we decided to have a quick morning sail and then the afternoon off before competition began. The wind really built up and was a good test to make sure our boats all went back together. That looks like it will be the last of the big winds for our sailing with light winds (7-10 knots ) forecast for the first three days and light to moderate in the days following our lay day. Rain, shine, wind or not, our charges will give it their best.

We have our first Aussie-Germanic entry! The German team had a boat and a crew in the promotional fleet but the skipper was unable to attend. Ben Boman, one of our sailors siblings has stepped into the breech and is now competing. Thanks Ben.

We have had our invitation race now. The good news is Tilly Davis and Will Shephard won it for Australia. Our other teams were spread through the fleet, but it was good to get it out of the way. Leading into the race we had a lot of nervous sailors, most of whom were here at a worlds for their first time and all will be better for the practise against the other boats.

The pre regatta day is always a lot of fun with the Invitation race followed by the opening ceremony. This is always a highlight and was very well done. We marched to the village square and after the speeches each country supplied a bottle of their home countries water which was poured into a large glass container on the podium. A brief description of the waters location was narrated as they were one by one mixed together. A testimony to the waters around the world near and far and a coming together of the cadet family. A quite poignant moment amongst the revelry and fun. 

Speaking of revelry our sailors really embraced the event, all dressed up and belting out the Aussie catch cry. It must be said the biggest “Bang for Buck” in the noise department was our friends Espana who have one team here, but are very noticeable.

The ceremony always ends with a sailor from the host country reading the International Cadet Oath.

“As a Cadet member of the International Cadet Class I promise to observe the class rules and at all times to further the aims of the class.

“I shall do my best to foster understanding and friendship throughout the world.

“I shall never attempt to win a race by any means other than fair sailing.”

Today we have our first days racing, looking forward to seeing our sailors out on the water. 




Jeanneau JY60
M.O.S.S Australia
NAV at Home
West Systems
Jeanneau JY55
M.O.S.S Australia
Race Yachts
West Systems