Calling All NSW Cherub Sailors and Supporters

This December, we have an exciting opportunity to travel out of State for the first time since 2019/20 for a Cherub National Championship regatta. Not only is this a great chance to challenge yourself, meet the Western Australian Cherub contingent, and learn to sail on some new waters, it is also a great chance to plan an adventure alongside your friends and family!

From a committee of whom many had the opportunity to travel to the 2017/18 National Championships in Busselton, WA, we cannot recommend attending this event more highly. It is terrific fun. Please take notice that events like these are also a major financial support to our WA fleet, and a high attendance rate will help them participate in inter-state Cherub events in the future (more friends!). So, let us know if there is anything we can do to help you get there. We are more than happy to help you find a skipper or crew, recommend places to stay, or answer any of your questions about freight, flying or cross-country road trips.

As part of our planning, please fill out the survey above to register your intent to travel to Perth (deadline April 30, but please let us know ASAP). This is done so that we can keep you in the loop about shipping containers and any accommodation information that might come to light over the next few months. Spots in containers will be limited, so it is critical that you give us an indication that you might be interested in this event so that we know how many Cherubs to cater for in our planning.

Register Here if You Intend to Travel to Perth this December

Thank you in advance!

  • The Cherub Association of NSW
M.O.S.S Australia
NAV at Home
Peagasus Yachts
M.O.S.S Australia
NAV at Home