Concord Ryde Sailing Club – Opportunities for Personal Growth

Concord Ryde Sailing Club (CRSC) has stepped into an exciting new partnership with the Making Waves Foundation (MWF). Participants of MWF’s Wright of Passage program have been welcomed as members of the club to experience the excitement of sailing. Volunteers from the Club and the Foundation are running the Australian Sailing Start Sailing Courses 1&2 using the club’s fleet of dinghies to give the participants the skills to become competent sailors.

MWF’s Wright of Passage program supports young people between the ages of 15 to 18 who are looking for learning options outside of the classroom. Participants work with volunteer mentors in a stable workshop environment to construct sailing dinghies, kayaks, and similar projects. Through this process they build confidence, consistency and develop the positive attitudes and skills needed for their journey through education, training, and employment. They also spend one day a fortnight learning to sail and this is where CRSC has stepped up to help, providing volunteers for the sailing course, use of the club’s boats and covering costs of membership and training.

The President of CRSC, Mr Craig Burwood said,” Our club is very family and community orientated and understands the importance of giving the next generation opportunities to learn to sail and for personal growth. We are very happy to welcome the young people of the program to our club and hope they enjoy the experience.” Craig also thanked Australian Sailing for their” support of the training program.”

For more information about the Making Waves Foundation please visit or call 0421 725 170.

For more information about the Wright of Passage program please email Matt at

Concord and Ryde Sailing Club is a family friendly dinghy sailing club located at Kissing Point Park, corner of Waterview St and Yaralla Rd Putney. Each Saturday afternoon many dinghies take part in racing on the Parramatta River between Ryde Bridge, Majors Bay and Brays Bay. The club has been sailing on the river   for over 75 years.

CRSC is also an active participant in the She Sails program which is designed to promote and celebrate women and girls’ participation in the sport of sailing.

Several different types of dinghies’ take part including Spirals, Tasars, NS14’s, Herons, Optimists, Moths, Catamarans and Firebugs. Sailors of all skill levels are catered for, from beginners to State & National Champions.

The Club also has an active Cadet fleet and popular Learn to Sail program for young sailors and adults. Our Club is registered as an Active Kids provider, which enables a $50 voucher per child, for parents, guardians and carers of school-enrolled children to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year.

CRSC is a Discover Sailing Centre accredited by Australian Sailing. The training courses we offer are outcome based delivered by qualified Trainers. Our training programs cater for both children and adults. Using Australian Sailing’s syllabus, trainees progress through structured modules over eight consecutive Saturday mornings.

If you are interested in learning to sail, please visit Learn to Sail – Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc (

For more information about the Club and afternoon sailing please contact the Club Secretary Sandra Donovan 9816 5468 or visit the website.  For information about boat storage please contact Mark McConnellour boat storage officer through the website.

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MultiHull Central Corsair 880
JPK 11.80 July 2024