Concord Ryde Sailing Club season start

You watched Matt Wearne win Olympic Gold in the Laser dinghy class along with the Silver medal won by Grae Morris in Windsurfing on TV, now you or your kids can come on down and give sailing a try yourself. The 2024/2025 sailing season at Concord and Ryde Sailing Club (CRSC) kicks off on Saturday the 7th of September 2024 and new members are always very welcome.

Over the winter, the club has had a collaboration with Making Waves, formerly sailors with disabilities, facilitating the charities Wright of Passage programme. Wright of Passage provides opportunities for disadvantaged young people to work on boat building and then learn to sail the craft they have constructed. They have already launched their first dinghy “Red Kite” in time for the start of the sailing season.

Concord and Ryde Sailing Club is a family friendly dinghy sailing club located at Kissing Point Park, corner of Waterview St and Yaralla Rd Putney. Each Saturday afternoon many dinghies take part in racing on the Parramatta River between Ryde Bridge, Majors Bay and Brays Bay. The club has been sailing on the river   for over 75 years.

CRSC is also an active participant in the She Sails program which is designed to promote and celebrate women and girls’ participation in the sport of sailing.

Several different types of dinghies’ take part including Spirals, Tasars, NS14’s, Herons, Optimists, Moths, Catamarans, Rainbows and Firebugs. Sailors of all skill levels are catered for, from beginners to State & National Champions.

The Club also has an active Cadet fleet and popular Learn to Sail program for young sailors and adults. Our Club is registered as an Active & Creative Kid provider, which enables a $50 voucher per child, for parents, guardians and carers of school-enrolled children to use towards sport and active recreation costs each year.

Junior Sailing Courses

These courses are designed to progress the younger sailor (8 to 15 years old) from beginner to advanced racer. Courses are conducted on Saturday in the sailing season (September to April) from 9.00am to noon (excluding Christmas and Easter holidays).  Modules are 8 weeks duration commencing with Start Sailing 1, Start Sailing 2 and Better Sailing. Course commencement dates are set out on our website the first will start on the 19th of October 2024.

Adult Learn To Sail

Many of our sailors have graduated from our Adult Learn to Sail Program. The program is suitable for both adults and teenagers over 15 and ideal for families who wish to learn together. The program is conducted over eight Saturday mornings from 9:00 am to noon. Our program is structured around CRSC’s fleet of Spiral dinghies. Graduates from the program can continue to use Club boats to participate in our Intermediate races to continue to build their skills.  Graduates from CRSC’s Adult Learn to Sail Program are usually competent to sail a small dinghy unaided and can graduate to our Intermediate Fleet to continue to build their skills.

Life jackets and dinghies used in training are provided by the Club.  Once the season starts the courses fill up very quickly so book in now.

If you are interested in learning to sail, please contact Andrew Hoy 0424 878 150 who can help you decide which training course best meets your needs or visit Learn to Sail – Concord & Ryde Sailing Club Inc (

For more information about the Club and afternoon sailing please contact the Club Secretary Sandra Donovan 9816 5468 or visit the website.  For information about boat storage please contact Mark McConnellour Boat Storage Officer through the website.

Photos courtesy of Nicole Williams, Ross Venner, Matt Smyth and ABC

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