Going fast – Sydney SailGP early bird tickets just two days left

The supercharged F50 catamarans hit Sydney Harbour next month. Over two thrilling days of inshore racing, six national teams will be battling for supremacy at speeds over 50 knots (60mph/100kph).

We’ve got early bird tickets on sale for just one more day. Choose from a range of spectator experiences, including on the water with Captain Cook Cruises, or in the middle of the action on Shark Island.

Take advantage of our early bird offer by 11:59pm AEDT on January 9, 2019, and save 15% on full price* tickets. 

In the middle of the action

Preferred viewing on the race course perimeter

Free viewing area and guided tours

Race Yachts
West Systems
Peagasus Yachts
Race Yachts
West Systems