Italian sailor becomes 42nd Global Solo Challenge entrant

Italian skipper Riccardo Tosetto, from Cittadella in the North-East of Italy, has worked at sea on sailboats since he was 18.

Sailing around the world single-handed and by the three great capes is a life-long dream for him. The Global Solo Challenge 2023/2024 offers Riccardo with the opportunity to take on this challenge with a reasonable budget and fulfil his ambition.

He intends to be on the start line with a Class40 putting all his skills as a yachting professional to fruition in preparing himself and the boat. He’s been in contact with the event organisers since last year and we are very please to accept his full entry which brings the total number of signed up skippers to 42, bringing the number of racing 40 footers (Class40s/Open40s to seven.

Marco Nannini interviewed Tosetto about the upcoming race.

Where does your passion for sailing come from?

I started sailing as a child, first on dinghies and sport catamarans and at the age of thirteen I started with cabin cruisers. Since that time I never stopped living at sea. From the age of eighteen my passion has also become my job, I spend more than eight months of each year at sea on a boat in the Mediterranean and sometimes in the Atlantic Ocean.

What lessons have you learned from sailing?

Sailing puts you to the test, you have to overcome every obstacle by putting all possible energy into it. At the same time it gives emotions that cannot be described in words.

What brought you to like single-handed sailing?

Solo sailing makes you feel at one with your boat. The desire to be immersed in nature in its various forms and having to use all your skills  to sail also play a role.

What prompted you to sign up for this event?

Around the world by the three great capes remains my dream, this format allows me to do it with a reasonable budget. The separate departures and the variety of boats signed up for the event make it even more interesting. A great adventure and an almost unique opportunity to make it happen.

How do you plan to prepare for this event?

Pre-start preparation is as crucial as the regatta itself. Being on the start line with a well prepared and tried boat as well as psycho-physical preparation, are essential. So I will sail as much as possible to prepare for the event and I will also take care of my physical and psychological health, this also thanks to the support of my shore team.

What do you think will be the biggest challenge?

There will be more than one challenge, surely making to the start line and being well prepared as well as facing the southern ocean are the most challenging.

Tell us about your boat or the boat you would like to have.

I will participate with a Class40 which I am still on the market for, but I already have some contacts.

Sailing experience

4 x Atlantic crossings
2 x Cento miglia Adriatica (1st e 2nd overall)
2 x La Ottanta (1st e 2nd in class)
1 x La Cinquanta (1st in class)
1 Campionato Invernale Lignano
Podium in different regattas in the Adriatic

About the boat

Boat name: TBA

Sail number: TBA

Boat design: Class40

Year built: TBA

Group: TBA

LOA: 40ft

Displacement: 4.500kg

Upwind sail area: 115m2

Downwind sail area: 250m2

By Marco Nannini/GSC

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