McIntyre Adventure launches home-built Class Mini 5.80

A new plywood Class Mini 5.80 Yacht was officially launched today (despite the sudden closure of the HISWA Boat Show in Amsterdam yesterday) and is attracting serious interest from sailors around the world.

Hundreds are now waiting for the release of building plans (they cost just euro$300) so they can start building their dream.

“We are surprised and excited at the level of interest and passion expressed for this little plywood Mini-Mini that I love and cannot wait to sail,” said Australia’s Don McIntyre, founder of the Mini 5.80 Class.

“We have schools talking about building fleets, friends getting together to build two or three side-by-side and yacht clubs wanting to know more. Even top name sailors are looking to have some fun on a simple boat for a change, where the human element is more important than the technology.

“This little yacht with a big heart, for even bigger adventures has a strong future for sure!”

The concept for this unique OD Class 5.80-metre yacht, developed by Australian adventurer Don McIntyre (organiser of the and ) and designed by Polish sailor Janusz Maderski, goes against the modern trend of high-tech, extreme foiling yachts.

Instead, it returns to the most basic principles of a simple, strong, safe and affordable ocean-going mini racer, that anyone can build using simple tools. It also tows behind a family car and can easily ship in a 20ft container to or from international events.

This idea resonates well with sailors young and old, who had over the years been left behind in the rush for ultimate speed with corresponding extreme budgets costing 10 times more.

The Class Mini 5.80 Association has established controls and simple guidelines to monitor construction, with all owners required to create an online blog, including clear photos and descriptions of their build process.

Building materials are specified, simple surveys are carried out on the steel plate lead bulb keel, critical rudder and chain plate components are supplied by the 5.80 Class and minimum build weights set and checked.

On March 21, Mini 5.80 plans will be released to experienced builders ONLY. First-time amateurs have to wait until June 1 to receive their plans. This allows time for them to watch and learn from online blogs of the first and second prototypes (one building in Poland by Piotr Czarniecki for Don McIntyre and a second built with well-known Dutch timber boat builders Kolibri.) which take approximately 500 hours to build.

Other builds will quickly be underway in France, Australia, Argentina, Russia, America, Italy, Britain and Spain, so language will not be a problem.

Events, including a solo 5.80 Transatlantic Race in November 2021 from Portugal to the Caribbean and a world-first Mini Globe Race (Via Panama) in 2024, will require minimum sailing experience standards. They will also need and skipper training, specified safety equipment and boat surveys to minimise risk.

All details and further information:

Jeanneau JY60
M.O.S.S Australia
Race Yachts
JPK 11.80 July 2024
Jeanneau JY60
M.O.S.S Australia
Race Yachts
West Systems