Missing yacht found off North Carolina coast

TradeOnlyToday. By Reagan Haynes.

A sailing yacht that capsized last November near the Dominican Republic on its way from Chesapeake Bay to St. Maarten was found off the North Carolina coast near Morehead City.

Sea Tow Crystal Coast is still in the process of salvaging the Atlantic 57 catamaran, Leopard, Sea Tow spokesman Brian Chandler said.

“The Sea Tow team spent the night offshore with the boat and still have not brought it in,” Chandler told Trade Only Today in an email. “The weather became too dangerous and it was too dark to work, but they stayed with it. They will be bringing it in today.”

All three crewmembers were picked up by a merchant vessel about 10 hours after the boat capsized, according to Chris White Designs, the South Dartmouth, Mass., firm that designed the boat.

“Notwithstanding what I can only consider a freak accident, I continue to have great confidence in the design,” the owner said at the time of the capsize. “There is nothing wrong with the boat. All of us who go to sea have to be aware that there is always some risk, however well prepared we are and however careful. There is always a situation bigger than any boat. I’m afraid this was it.”

“Good preparation, the calm behavior of the crew under incredibly difficult circumstances, and of course the great work of the USCG and the M/V Aloe prevented this painful situation from being much worse,” the unidentified owner said, according to the website.

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