National Trailable Yacht review launched

Australian Sailing (AS) is currently undertaking a review of the National Trailable Yacht & Sportsboat committee and its Terms of Reference.

The review is intended to help inform the future direction AS takes in this space and gain a greater understanding of:

  • The role of committees.
  • Participation in trailable yachts across Australia.
  • The barriers to growing participation.
  • Sailors' understanding of the current handicapping systems and processes.

As part of this review we are conducting a survey. The survey will remain open until 16th June. Please click on the link below to take part in the survey and make sure you share this with any stakeholders in the trailable yacht community.

Take me to the survey!

M.O.S.S Australia
NAV at Home
West Systems
M.O.S.S Australia
NAV at Home
West Systems