No racing on Day 4 at Finn Europeans as strong winds batter Marseille

The fourth day at the Finn Europeans was a long day spent on shore waiting in vain for the wind to abate enough to go sailing. The forecast had already prompted the Race Committee to delay the start to 12.00, but midday came and went and still the venue was battered by strong south-easterly winds and rain.

The sailors sheltered in the tent or displayed typical Finn bravado, but by 15.30, with the wind still hovering around 30 knots, racing was abandoned for the day.

However, Friday is promising perfect conditions, with moderate winds and sunshine. Three races are scheduled.

But, to continue the entertainment we have a few videos by Beau Outteridge to show.    

Onboard action from Wednesday's racing with Oli Tweddell and Nicholas Heiner:                     

Jump onboard with Ben Cornish:

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