Speed & Smarts: Gaining ground to leeward
Tactics for protecting your lead and clear air on the run, by David Dellenbaugh. One thing I hate on a reach or run is when the boat behind me sails higher than I want to sail. This forces me to…
The best yacht, keelboat & dinghy racing news, race results and personal insights, with racing series and regatta reports and lots of beautiful high resolution sailing photographs. Including daily news coverage from major races and circuits Olympic Sailing, America’s Cup, Sydney Hobart, SailGP, 44Cup, The Ocean Race and more.
Tactics for protecting your lead and clear air on the run, by David Dellenbaugh. One thing I hate on a reach or run is when the boat behind me sails higher than I want to sail. This forces me to…
Life is never dull in the challenging role of tactician, reports Tony Bull. THE ROLE of tactician is arguably one of the most critical on the boat. As the name implies, he or she is responsible for positioning the boat…
Small boat and big boat sailors can learn so much from each others' worlds, by Tony Bull. One of the new buzzwords we hear floating about these days is cross-training. In order to get fully fit it is not enough…