Rego labels in Queensland follow the dinosaurs

The annual boaties’ ritual of attaching and displaying registration labels on their Queensland-registered vessels will become a thing of the past in just a few short weeks.

The looming extinction of the registration label will be good news for boaties grimly accustomed to the annual frustrations of removing old labels from their boats, replacing them with new ones and fretting for the next twelve months over the condition of peeling and fading labels under attack from salt and sun.

From 1 October 2019 the requirement to display a registration label on vessels as proof of current registration will be no more. The Department of Transport and Main Roads will no longer issue them.

The requirement to display registration labels originated from a time when labels were the only way for boating enforcement officers to determine if the registration numbers they saw displayed on boats were, in fact, “paid up”.  Recognising that technology now provides alternative ways of doing so, the department consulted with industry and the public to seek their views on whether the requirement should be dropped.

The feedback we received was overwhelmingly “yes”, so that’s what we’ve done. 

Importantly, however, there is no relaxation of the requirement to register, and maintain current registration, of registrable vessels. Registration remains an important means by which the government regulates and monitors the compliance of Queensland’s fleet with safety and pollution requirements, while raising funds for marine infrastructure and important maritime safety and pollution information and services.   

But are you wondering how you, as a registered owner, can ensure that you keep your registration up to date after the registration label bites the dust? There are several ways in which this can occur.

The department will still issue renewal notices to registered owners reminding them of their registration’s due date, approximately four weeks before it is due, followed by a reminder notice if they forget to re-register by the due date. 

Meanwhile, boaties will also be able to check the registration status and expiry date of any vessel themselves by several means. They can phone the department on 13 23 80 or sign up to receive e-notices or e-reminders for registration renewals by email. They can also sign up to renew by direct debit.

Boaties might also wish to use the online “Check Registration Status” tool at The QLD Rego Check app will enable them to check their registration status and expiry date and set a reminder so they receive notifications direct to their devices of choice.

We will cease routinely issuing registration certificates following registration or renewal of registration. However, customers who want or need a registration certificate can obtain one online at or at a Department of Transport and Main Roads Customer Service Centre.

The bottom line is that, from 1 October 2019, registration remains required but registration labels will go the way of the dinosaurs. Boaties will be welcome to remove their current labels and will never have to worry about them again.

– Maritime Safety Queensland

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