RFD personal beacon

The latest Personal Locator Beacon (PLB) from RFD features 406MHz satellite technology combined with GPS to deliver a complete safety beacon package.

The RFD ResQFix fits into pockets or safety grab bags and can easily be attached to clothing for quick access. At the press of a button, it begins transmitting a personalised identifier distress signal on the 406MHz frequency via the COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system, backed up by the simultaneous transmission of the 121.5MHz search and rescue homing frequency.

While the rescue signal is being transmitted on the 406MHz frequency, the inbuilt 12 channel parallel GPS receiver acquires latitude and longitude and begins transmitting for accurate detection to within 100 metres.

The PLB withstands submersion to 10m and its battery has an 11 year storage life.

More information: RFD www.rfd.com.au.

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