RPAYC members elect new Commodore and Vice Commodore and first female Life Member

The Royal Prince Alfred Yacht Club has a new Commodore and Vice Commodore following the 147th Annual General Meeting held on Sunday July 20, 2014.

Ian Audsley was elected Commodore uncontested and Michael Lockley was elected Vice Commodore by the near 100 voting members present.

“Ian and Michael will lead a formidable team to take the club forward for the next three years,” forecasted outgoing Commodore Rob Curtis. 

Commodore Ian Audsley moves in to the role having served as Vice Commodore for the past three and Rear Commodore Yacht Racing prior. An active Etchells campaigner, Ian also keeps his hand in the centreboard fleet sailing a Laser. 

Vice Commodore Michael Lockley, an active RPAYC member for over 20 years, enthusiastically campaigns Pretty Woman, the boat he owns with RPAYC Past Commodores Richard Hudson and Russell Murphy, in the club’s Wednesday and Saturday pointscore races as well as most offshore events and regattas. 

At the AGM Elaine Fowler was elected to Life Membership of the club.  “As the club’s first female full member it was fitting that Elaine, who has given so much to the club over 21 years, was elected the first female Life Member,” said Commodore Audsley.

Five members with 50 years’ continuous membership were also honoured at the AGM; Ian Downing, the late Carl Halvorsen, Kenneth Moxham, John Playoust and Leo Tutt. 

Elected officers for the 2014-15 year:

Board of directors

Commodore Ian Audsley

Vice Commodore Michael Lockley 

John Bacon – Chairman of the Board

Jim Bullough – Director

Simon Grosser – Director

Rear Commodores

Rear Commodore Activities Norman Weaver

Rear Commodore Centreboard Malcolm Derry 

Rear Commodore Cruising Jim Cormack

Rear Commodore Membership Robert Alder 

Rear Commodore Yacht Racing Ron Palmer 

By RPAYC media

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