Supply Ship Rams and Sinks Luxury Sailing Yacht

An offshore supply ship operating as an emergency vessel reportedly suffered a mechanical failure while maneuvering to depart causing it to reverse into a luxury sailing yacht moored in the marina. The sailing ship, which was among the 1,000 largest luxury yachts valued at more than $7 million rapidly began taking on water and sinking.

According to reports from port officials at Tarragona in Spain, the rescue vessel Punta Mayor had begun her maneuver just after 8:00 a.m. local time on June 10 when her engines became stuck in reverse. The captain attempted to disengage the motors and drop both of the vessel’s anchors, but it was not enough to overcome the inertia of the 1,200 dwt vessel.


The sailing yacht was the Eleonora E, but in 2000 in the Netherlands and a replica of a famous 1910 vintage racing yacht. She measures approximately 162 feet in length with 12,000 square feet of sails on two gaff masts. Aboard there are luxury accommodations for eight passengers and the vessel reportedly operates with a crew of nine. It is unclear if there was anyone on board but they are reporting that there were no injuries.

The hull of the Eleonora E is made of steel with a wooden superstructure. The hull was not able to withstand the force of impact reportedly causing it to be holed midships. Local authorities rushed to string barriers around the ship because they determined it was impossible to stabilize it before it sank into the harbor. The concern was that when fully loaded the vessel carriers 9,000 liters of fuel. However, they are reporting that there was no fuel pollution from the sinking.

Eleonora E is reportedly for sale with Bernard Gallery Yacht Brokerage featuring her with an asking price of approximately $7.2 million. In addition, she was being offered for charter at approximately $73,000 per week.

Eleonora E

The port authority reports that salvage operations are underway to recover the yacht. They are expecting it to be refloated by the end of this week.


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